Jun 15, 2023
does your subaru need a new catalytic converter near santa clara, ca

The catalytic converter’s job is to remove dangerous and toxic chemicals produced by the combustion process. It does this using extreme temperatures, high pressure, and chemical relations. The pressure and temperatures can cause damage to the converter in the long term. These are a few signs that it may be time to visit your Subaru dealer in San Jose for a new converter.

Check Engine Light

The check engine light illuminates in response to any problem with your engine. Your car’s computer is connected to a vast network of sensors inside your car that monitor all of its most important components. If any of the sensors identify a problem, they inform your computer, and the computer illuminates the check engine light.

Carbon is produced through the conversion process. The carbon can build up and block the exit from the converter. This forces the combustion gases back into the engine. These gases will increase pressure inside the engine and raise the fuel-to-air ratio. This combination of events can cause your engine to misfire or stall. We can fix this problem by examining the converter and clearing the blockage, and the check engine light will go out.


Rattling Noises

It’s never a good sign if you hear rattling noises when driving, as it means something is loose or broken. If the sound seems to be coming from underneath your car, the most likely cause is a damaged converter. A honeycomb structure fills the interior of the converter and provides a large area for the conversion process. Over time, the heat and pressure can cause cracks in the structure.

A crack in the honeycomb will widen, and pieces of the structure can break off. This weakens the integrity of the structure, and will eventually cause the converter to fail. The broken pieces of the converter will move around as you drive and produce a rattling sound. Our technicians will remove your converter to investigate. We can’t repair the honeycomb, but we can install a new converter for you.


Sulfur Smells

Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic, corrosive chemical that is produced during combustion. It’s well-known for its foul, rotten-egg smell. Hydrogen sulfide is one of the chemicals that’s dumped into the converter for conversion. When your converter is working correctly, the conversion process will change hydrogen sulfide into harmless sulfur dioxide and water and expel it via the exhaust pipe.

If you smell a rotten egg smell from the tailpipe, your converter could have failed. A failed converter won’t affect any engine gases that enter it. These gases will remain unconverted and pass out of the exhaust. We’ll investigate, and we can install a new converter to fix this problem.

Driving with a damaged converter can harm your engine. If your converter is damaged, you’ll also fail an emissions check. Call our service department today at Stevens Creek Subaru.